Gold is a popular investment due to its balance and timeless appeal. In India, Gold Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) and Gold Mutual Funds are popular options for gold instmveent. These funds offer access to the precious steel with unique features. Understanding the differences between these options can help make informed investment decisions.

Gold ETFs: A Brief Overview

Gold ETFs are financial instruments that track the price of physical gold, traded on stock exchanges. Each unit is equivalent to at least one gram of gold. Investors own units, representing ownership of gold held by the fund. These ETFs are known for high liquidity and occasional price ratios.

An Introduction : Gold Mutual Funds

Antique Mutual Funds are managed by expert fund managers, investing in a portfolio of gold-related property, including physical gold, mining groups, and securities. Investors buy units, and the fund supervisor makes funding decisions, offering convenience and diversification.


Gold ETFs and Gold Mutual Funds differ in liquidity. Gold ETFs are highly liquid, available on stock exchanges during market hours at market charges, while Gold Mutual Funds are less liquid, offered and bought on the NAV fee at the end of trading.

Expense Ratio

Gold ETFs, with lower rate ratios compared to Gold Mutual Funds, offer lower annual expenses for traders, making them more price-powerful for long-term investments.


Gold ETFs and Gold Mutual Funds allow investors to own the fund's assets, while fund managers manage the assets on their behalf.

Investment Method

Gold ETFs invest in physical gold or gold-related assets, while Gold Mutual Funds invest in a diversified portfolio of gold assets, mining stocks, and securities.


Gold ETFs and Gold Mutual Funds face taxation challenges in India, with tax remedies varying based on keeping period and funding type. Consult a tax professional for comprehensive information.

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