In an era of uncertainty around jobs and layoffs, it is essential to have a backup source of incom . proper financial planning is required to tide over job unsurities and also save for a secure future.

Fixed Deposits (FDs)

Fixed deposits are low-risk investments offered by banks. They provide a fixed interest rate and are suitable for monthly income as you can choose the interest payout frequency.

Monthly Income Plans (MIPs)

MIPs offered by mutual funds are designed for regular income. They invest in a mix of debt and equity instruments to provide monthly payouts.

Senior Citizen Savings Scheme (SCSS)

This government-backed scheme is ideal for seniors. It offers a fixed interest rate with quarterly payouts, ensuring a steady income.

Post Office Monthly Income Scheme (POMIS)

POMIS provides guaranteed monthly income and is available at post offices. It's a safe option for regular returns.

Rental Income

Investing in real estate and renting out the property can provide a consistent monthly income stream.

Before investing, assess your risk tolerance and financial goals. Diversifying across these options can help balance risk and secure regular monthly returns.

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